AutoNSX ProtectView
Gain visibility on the implemented Application Security Model across hybrid cloud and SDN
ProtectView Security Transparency
AutoNSX ProtectView gives Application Owners real visibility on applied security principles during the micro-segmentation process in a hybrid cloud setup
Control and visibility on Application Security Model
Application Owners can view Application Security Model that has been implemented during the segmentation process. All rules and objects are visible in real-time.
Create a global unified security model baseline
The defined baseline in AutoNSX is used during the micro-segmentation process. The baseline is defined by Security Architect or CISO to match the designed security framework. Additionally, Security Architect or CISO can define default rules and must have rules and their desired behaviour. On each micro-segmentation work, DevOps can reuse defined global policies.
Enforced Global policies
SecureView enables Security Architect or CISO to enforce global policies to any single micro-segmented application. This ensures that all applications will follow the same concept in regards to security zones (groups). In case of violation of global policies of micro-segmentation, Security Architect or CISO can apply conditions, for example, stop segmentation of a particular application and receive detailed reports of which objects are conflicting.
Business continuity and easier troubleshooting
ProtectView applies a barrier of micro-segmentation defined by security personnel such as Architect or CISO. Barrier applied will ensure business continuity and reduce the human error of incorrectly applied policies. By having correct policies the troubleshooting process will follow a defined security design.
Automated policy Enrichment
ProtectView provides the ability to automate rules and conditions based on specific user-defined criteria. At any given time when the Application Security Model is built, DevOps/SecOps team can choose whatever to apply or not enrich raw data workflows. ProtectView Supports multiple objects like ports, protocols, sources, destinations with a combination of actions.
Most frequent questions and answers
AutoNSX is a software solution that simplifies micro-segmentation by integrating to vRNI, NSX and ITSM, CMDBs. AutoNSX abstract the complexity of the micro-segmentation process with simplified workflows.
No, AutoNSX Solution is a wizard workflow-based, which hide all complexity behind the curtains and allow the user to focus on micro-segmentation tasks.
AutoNSX is licensed on data sources. The data source is NSX, vRNI or CMDB etc. Additionally, there is a support cost. Licensing is based on 1 year to 3 years contract. If you need more than 3 years, please contact us and will provide a separate quote.
All of our customers are very satisfied with AutoNSX. We keep close contact with all our customers to ensure product fit and customer satisfaction. So far we didn't lose a single customer. However, there is no vendor locking.
AutoNSX does not store objects that are related to micro-segmentation. AutoNSX can be seen as a broker that gives simplicity, velocity and governance to the customers.
Any IT personnel, including Network Administrator, Security Architect, DevOps, SecOps, Application Owners. There are no knowledge prerequisites. IT generalists can use AutoNSX from day one and apply a security framework. Security Architects can use AutoNSX to define Security Frameworks Model. DevOps team use AutoNSX to implement the designed security model. Application owners can monitor the segmentation process of their owned application thru AutoNSX UI.
AutoNSX is a tiny platform distributed via .ova files. We can also install AutoNSX your any preprepared OS, as well.
Contact us via email, phone or use the contact form below. We will assist you in installation and 30- 60 minutes walkthrough. Then you will receive an invoice for the agreed period of the license.
The AutoNSX Product Suite provides the best in market accelerated segmentation implementation in a single platform. Please provide us with your contact details and one of our experts will reach out. →