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Solutions by Role

From first-line support to the most experienced DevOsp, Security Architects and Application owners, AutoNSX software provides the unique value of micro-segmentation insights and implementation velocity.


Micro-segmentation is an approach to protect secure applications in the data centre or cloud. Most of the organizations today are virtualized their data centres or even moved to the cloud..

Application Owners

While the Virtualization team deploys new servers or VMs to serve specific Applications. At the very same time, AutoNSX provisions security constructs leveraging VMware NSX automation..

IT Service Desk

U-secure-IT is very valuable and to the ServiceDesk Operators. Level 1 Operators usually don’t have access to critical infrastructures like datacenter networks and security..


AutoNSX Product Suite - Segmentation made simple

The complete solution for security automation, change management, governance and application visibility.


  • Application centric security automation
  • AutoNSX ProtectApp provides a unique interface to accelerate micro-segmentation in modern data centres. An intuitive workflow based approach reduces human errors and configurations drifts of micro-segmentation


  • Gain visibility on the implemented Application Security Model across hybrid cloud and SDN.
  • AutoNSX ProtectView gives Application Owners real visibility on applied security principles during the micro-segmentation process in a hybrid cloud setup.


  • ProtectNow enables organizations and enterprises to implement accurate security changes in a matter of minutes.
  • AutoNSX ProtectNow keeps under control governance of the micro-segmentation process, while not interfering with speed and quality.
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